SS-CMMS - Release Notes
V 6.02 BETA
Start Date:
- Added WO# to Configuration Sorting Order (Default WO sorting order).
- If PM is assigned to "All", Notifications will now be emailed to ALL Users if Email Notify is set to "Yes".
- Added sort by colums to Completed PM's listing.
- Added sort by colums to PM's, Equipment, & Parts Listings.
- In Equipment Search/View, added Action Item "WO's". This will show all WO's for this equipment.
- Added Sort by Columns on Open WO's. Click the header to sort by that column. Click again to reverse the sort.
- Added the ability to choose different delimeters for Reporting .CSV files. Can choose , : ; | ,, :: ;; ||
- Added the Asset, Serial, Model and Documentation to fields that are searched in Equipment Search/Edit.
- Added Parts Price Display on WO Editing and Printing.
- Improved Print Friendly WO Page.
- Added Sort by WO and Priority to WO Reporting. Added WO# and Priority to output.