Finally! Maintenance Management CMMS You Can Afford and Learn in Minutes! Current Release: v8.07 Current Beta: v8.08 Previous: v8.06 v8.05 v8.04 v8.03 v8.02 v8.01 v8.00 v7.07 v7.06 v7.05 v7.04 v7.03 v7.02 v7.01 v7.00 v6.04 v6.03 v6.02 v6.01 v6.00 v5.02 v5.01 v5.00 v4.00 v3.05 v3.04 v3.03 v3.01 v3.00 v2.11 v2.10 v2.00 v1.15 v1.14 v1.13 v1.12 v1.11 SS-CMMS - Release Notes v8.08 Start Date: 9/28/2017 Additions: When Re-assigning users, now re-assigns PM's as well. 8.07/8.08 Fixes: When completing WOs using Batch Actions, Completed date and by were not being filled in. 8.07/8.08 Random email addresses found in PM WO Reported By field. 8.07/8.08 Programmer Notes: