Brought Mobile Pages up to current version and fixed some Menu issues.
Added "Manufacturer" and "Model" fields to the Equipment DB.
Added Manufacturer and Model to Equipment Reporting.
Added Manufacturer and Model to .CSV upload abilities.
Extended the PM Calendar from 3 months to 1 year.
Added options for when new PM's will be generated. You may now select from "Completed + Freq" or "Generated + Freq". Completed + Freq will generate a new PM from the completed date, Generated + Freq will generate from the day the PM was first generated.
Added a Meter entry in the WO and Equipment screens. You may update these values at any time. When meter reading trips values set up in Create PM, a PM will be generated. You do not have to use the Metered PMs screen in PM if you update Meter readings in WO's or Equipment. The old Metered PM routines are still working and valid.
Added to PM generation and PM Calendar algorithms that check to see if the equipment in question is in service or not. If not, will not generate PM or calendar entry.
Fixed Search Canceled/Completed/Pending WO's to include Number, Discrepency, Equipment, Notes and Type.
Fixed PM search to include Number, Item, Equipment and Notes.
Fixed issue when using US date format Due date was displaying 12/31/69 for no entry.
Fixed problem where you could not search for Pending, Closed or Canceled workorders by a search term.
Known Issues:
Programmer Notes:
Big thanks to subscribers Dave, Jerry and Jean-Pierre for all their input and patience in helping to sort out bugs and new ideas!