Added clickable link to the PM Calendar. Click a PM item and it will take you to Edit PM.
Added the ability to choose your date format. US m/d/y or UK d-m-y.
Added user drop-down selection for Editing PM's.
Added Upcoming PM Calendar. Shows all upcoming PM's. Will NOT show active or past PM's. Requires Time Zone set.
Added check for Time Zone upon login. If no you will re-direct to configuration page.
Added Time Zone to Configuration (Required).
Added part information/costs to Print Friendly Page after WO Completion.
Added Donate link to Contact/Info tab.
Fixed PM reporting not showing Equipment or Last and Next dates.
When using "UK d-m-y" date format, if editing WO's or PM's date will toggle Day and Year every time you submit a change.
also, PM Calendar dates are not showing properly.
Very rarily certain browsers errored out when loggin in. Found and fixed the little critter causing this.
Fixed Create PM issue where system required a Frequency for Metered PM's.
Fixed issue where user was being allowed to add a user with an already existing Email address.
When PM's were auto generated, Last date in the PM was not updating.
If when editing PM's you changed the Start Date, due date would not change. Could not change Last and Next dates.
Fixed problem where the View Canceled work orders menu item would only show open workorders.
When editing Work Orders, changed "Edit Workorder" button to read "Save Changes" for more clarity.
Mac users using Safari browsers are unable to upload .CSV files. Google Chrome with Mac works OK.
Fixed issues in uploading equipment .CSV files (fixed in 3.00 as well).
Known Issues:
When using US date format (m/d/y) and creating or editing a workorder, system will default to due date 12/31/1969. If a true value is entered it will work correctly. Fixed in Beta 3.02.
Programmer Notes:
Special thanks to SS-CMMS user Diana for all the fantastic help in nailing down the Mac issues!